Office Address

Lutheran Men In Mission

8765 West Higgins Road
Chicago, IL 60631

Fax: (773) 380-2632

Staff Contact Information

John Sundquist

Executive Director
Email John

Kevin Burke

Discipleship Consultant
Email Kevin

Kyle Pedersen 

Emerging Ministries Consultant
(515) 290-5064
Email Kyle

LMM Staff are employed by the Board of Directors to provide for the day-to-day operational and mission needs of the organization.

Executive Director is responsible for spiritual leadership, hiring/employing/evaluating remaining staff members, engaging in other contractual arrangements, and being responsible for the annual budget.

Discipleship Consultant works to develop discipleship opportunities/training for men in the areas such as One Year to Live weekend retreats, leadership training, Project Twelve curriculum, as well as publicizing LMM events.

Emerging Ministries Consultant works in partnership with other LMM staff to develop and implement initiatives such as the A-Team and Project Twelve, provides technical expertise and support for LMM events such as Bold Gatherings, and serves as an advisor to potential emerging ministries.
