Frequently Asked Questions


What’s up with the email links on this site?

To protect ourselves from those nefarious spammers that crawl the web looking for email addresses to abuse we have encoded our email links.  To reveal the plain text email address you have to prove you are a human by solving a little visual puzzle.   This not only prevents our addresses from being stolen but your small effort is put to use by a project that digitizes books.  You can read all about it here.

Is Lutheran Men in Mission part of the ELCA?

Lutheran Men in Mission is the men’s
ministry of the
ELCA operating as a 501(c)(3) organization.  Legal mumbo
jumbo to follow soon.

What’s a region and which one am I in?

When the ELCA was formed in 1988 it
divided the United States into nine geographical regions.
These regions generally include a group of states but in
some cases regional boundaries divide states.  Our
Synod Leaders page
lists regions and synods which should give you enough
information to decide which region you live in.
