
Materials presented here are organized in two categories.  Endorsed or Produced by LMM should be self explanatory.  Those listed as
Additional Relevant Materials have been found to be useful by many individuals and congregations, however LMM is not responsible for their content.

Endorsed or Produced by LMM

Coming of Age: Exploring the Spirituality and Identity of Younger Men

by David W. Anderson; Paul G. Hill; Dr. Roland D. Martinson

comingofageWhat is the state of faith today among younger men in the church? How is the church responding to the spiritual
needs of a new generation? Armed with these questions and many more, authors Roland Martinson, Paul
Hill, and David Anderson conducted interviews with young men (ages 18-40) of differing life and faith
experiences, and differing ethnic backgrounds in six regions of the U.S. This new book, Coming of Age,
is based on the results of this study.

Available on-line at

Augsburg Fortress

Price: $15.99

Item No: 9780806652245

Building Bridges:  Men Dealing Constructively with Anger

buildingbridgesThis eight session guide will assist the participant to identify emotions and discover new tools to deal positively with conflict.  No longer in print, a limited supply is available through the LMM office.

Contact Kimberley Moseley if interested.

God’s Man
godsmanA daily devotional guide for men written by nearly 50 men’s ministry leaders including Lutheran Men in Mission Executive Director, Doug Haugen.  Topics include A Man and His:  relationships,
family, church, community, time and emotions.


Available from Kregel Publications at

Additional Relevant Materials

Season of Life: a football star, a boy, a journey to manhood

by Jeffrey Marx

season of lifeFrom

“More than a quarter-century after they first knew each other as a professional football star and a ball boy for the Baltimore Colts, Joe Ehrmann and Jeffrey Marx once again crossed paths. The outcome was a remarkable journey through the greatest football season of all.  It was really a season of life more than anything else.

Joe was now a white-haired minister who also coached high school football and ran a program called Building
Men for Others. He was changing lives by teaching boys how to be men of substance and impact by focusing
on relationships and a cause beyond themselves.

Jeffrey quickly realized there was much to learn from his old friend. But he never could have foreseen
the gift of his own transformative experience. He never could have imagined that Joe would ultimately
help him open doors to his own Dad.”

Visit for more information
and to order the book.

No Man Left Behind:  How to Build and Sustain a Thriving,

Disciple Making Ministry for Every Man in Your Church

by  Patrick Morely,  David Delk and Brett Clemmer

no man

You’ve got men, you’ve got a church.  Add a testimony, some pancakes, a prayer, and
—poof!— a men’s ministry. Right?

A spiritual reformation of society starts with a spiritual reformation of men.
But making disciples, men who are walking with Christ, living like Christ, and working for Christ is
hard. If you’ve been struggling to get traction with men, No Man Left Behind can revolutionize
your efforts. Drawing upon thirty years of research and work with more than 2,500 churches, the authors
offer a proven strategy that will help you disciple every man in your church.

Find out how to:

  •  Shift your paradigm from a men’s ministry to a ministry to all your men.
  •  Identify the unwritten “man code” that your church conveys to every guy who walks in the
  •  Ensure long-term success by recruiting allies who will work with you to make disciples.
  •  Develop a concrete, seamless process to help men who don’t know Christ become passionate

For more information see

Discover Life Bible Studies  

Life studies explore what God’s Word says about today’s key issues and encourage small group
members to follow Christ.

Available topics include:

  • A Man and His World – Learn what the Bible says to men about work,
    friends, children, money, goals, marriage, and God.
  • David: The Making of a Man of God – Men can identify with David’s
    challenges, temptations, and successes in this study. Through studying David, we can begin to see
    how faith is crucial in all of life.
  • Nehemiah: Success in Servant – What does it mean to lead while
    serving? Discover how to succeed in the face of great odds an accomplish something important for
    your Lord.
  • Climbing Higher: Living the Spirit-Filled Life Following Jesus
    requires sure footing. Explore the importance of Bible study, prayer, commitment, faith, obedience,
    love, and witnessing.

For details or to purchase visit
