Ambassador Expectations

Lutheran Men in Mission Ambassador Expectations

LMM’s Vision: For every man to become a bold, daring follower of Jesus Christ.

LMM’s Mission:  By God’s grace, to intentionally disciple men by personally modeling the character of Jesus by living and leading a lifestyle intended to help transform them from the current consumer culture into a culture of naturally loving and serving our neighbors.

Ambassadors volunteer themselves or are recruited by the LMM Director of Networking/Communication or individual men’s ministry in their geographical areas.   Ambassadors have direct communication with the LMM Director of Networking/Communications.

  1. The LMM Ambassador is committed to:
    1. Prayerfully seeking God’s Guidance in fulfilling his duties.
    2. Supporting LMM financially and encouraging others to do the same.
    3. Committed to and living the LMM Mission and Vision.
    4. Maintaining knowledge and awareness of LMM’s on-going activities by reading the Foundations newsletter, reviewing postings on the LMM website and/or other social media, correspondence with the LMM Director of Networking/Communications, and participating in synodical and/or regional LMM events.
  1. The Ambassador is responsible for:
    1. Attending and participating in all LMM Annual Meetings and disseminating and advocating those meetings to the men in his geographical area. 
    2. Being an active participant in the men’s ministry in his respective geographical area.
    3. Building a rapport with men in their geographical area.
    4. Be an advocate in national LMM events and activities (One Year to Live; High, Deep, and Wide; Come to the Waters; Building Men for Christ; etc.) in his geographical area.
    5. Ensuring that upcoming LMM events and information received from the LMM Director of Connections/Communications receive the widest communications through personal mailings, synod newsletters, synod websites, etc.
    6. Ensuring that matters in his geographical area that require the LMM Director of Networking/Communications’ attention are passed on to him.   
  1. The Ambassador is:
    1. A volunteer with no term limits. 
    2. Encouraged to recruit other ambassadors within his geographical area and neighboring geographical areas.